First things first. Or maybe Fourth things first.
This week’s concerts will happen on Wednesday, June 29, at the McGrath Amphitheatre and on MONDAY, July 4, at Guthridge Park in Hiawatha. There will be no Sunday evening performance.
Performances can be viewed live on the band’s Facebook page.
Given the patriotic holiday, you can expect a slate of patriotic and other iconic American tunes!
Superman March (John Williams, arranged by Paul Lavender)
Armed Forces Salute (arranged by Bob Lowden)
West Side Story Selection (Leonard Bernstein, arranged by William Duthoit)
River City March (Frank Piersol)
America the Beautiful (Ward/Bates, arranged by Carmen Dragon)
Sweet Trombone Rag (Al Sweet)
Big Band Spectacular (arranged by John Higgins)
Shenandoah (arranged by R. Paul Astley)
The Stars and Stripes Forever (John Philip Sousa)