// Hide Email from Spam Bots using a short code place this in your functions file
function HideMail($atts , $content = null ){
if ( ! is_email ($content) )
return ”.antispambot($content).”;
add_shortcode( ’email’,’HideMail’);
The City Band Commission will conduct auditions for the Municipal Band on 23 and 25 March 2018. Auditions will run from 6 to roughly 9 PM on Friday, 23 March, and 1 to roughly 4 PM on Sunday, 25 March.
Please note that no auditions will be held on Saturday, 24 March.
Audition times are on a first-come, first-served basis. You will be given the earliest available audition time. Some adjustments can be made, but these will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
We are auditioning for both full positions and substitute players. As such, auditions are open for all sections.
Please contact Scott Haney (Business Manager) at [email]business@crmuniband.org[/email] to schedule a time. Please provide your name, cell number (so we can call if the schedule changes), and instrument on which you will audition.