Category: Uncategorized

Added performance! Woodwind Quintet on August 5 at 7:30 pm

The band is used to performing for you twice a week, and so it has felt weird to have online concerts on Sundays but not on Wednesdays. We’re fixing that this week with a Wednesday night edition of Mini Muni Music featuring a woodwind quintet! Same deal as the other performances to date. Watch on …

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Announcing 4 more Mini Muni Music online concerts!

With two successful online events featuring online ensembles in the books, we are pleased to announce four more performances. All of these Sunday evening performances will begin at 7:30 and be streamed live on the band’s Facebook page. They will not be archived for future viewing, so be sure to tune in each Sunday. August …

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Mini Muni Music — Online Small Ensemble Concerts

The second online concert in a series of small ensemble performances is set for Sunday, July 26 at 7:30 pm and will feature four of the band’s outstanding clarinetists as well as Steve Shanley and vocalist Lynn Rothrock in conversation. The concert will be live streamed on the Municipal Band’s Facebook page, but will not …

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Commission Meeting 13 July 2020

The City Band Commission will meet in formal session at 8:00 PM on Monday, 13 July 2020. Due to the pandemic, this meeting will be held online only. Meeting in person will be impossible or impractical due to concerns for the health and safety of Commission members, staff and the public presented by COVID-19 as …

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2020 Regular Concerts Canceled…but…

Earlier this week, the Band Commission met to discuss the performance options for the 2020 Season. With sadness, the Commission announces that the regular season is cancelled and there will be no full-band concerts this year. We are considering alternatives for the CRMB to continue connecting with our community this summer. Some ideas include: 1) Individual band members presenting …

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Commission Meeting 19 May 2020

The City Band Commission will meet in formal session at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, 19 May 2020. Due to the pandemic, this meeting will be held online only. Meeting in person will be impossible or impractical due to concerns for the health and safety of Commission members, staff and the public presented by COVID-19 as …

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Auditions Indefinitely Postponed

We are sorry to report that due to ongoing concerns regarding COVID-19, we must indefinitely postpone CRMB auditions. We will not be able to pick a new date (if any) until the current situation stabilizes. We appreciate everyone’s patience, and we hope to see everyone out there for a wonderfully musical summer.

City Budget Information

City Manager Jeff Pomeranz presented the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 on Feb 6. Budget details are available on the city’s website. Per the Iowa Code section 384.15A, documents for total maximum property tax dollars: You will find a permanent link to this information HERE.

Band Auditions! 27 and 28 March

The Cedar Rapids Municipal Band, a professional concert band that presents 18 (sometimes more) free concerts every summer, will hold its annual auditions on Friday, 27 March, and Saturday, 28 March, in the band room at Cedar Rapids Washington High School at 2005 Forest Drive SE. There are known openings for Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone, …

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2020 Young Artist Competition

The 2020 Young Artist Competition will be held Wednesday, 22 April 2020, at Washington High School in Cedar Rapids. This is the tenth year of the competition. It would be wonderful to have you enter! The competition is open to woodwind, brass, and percussion students in grades 9-12 who live or attend school in Linn …

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